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Employee Engagement+Branding=high organization performance

Dulunya organisasi dalam mengevaluasi kinerja mereka sangat bergantung pada penilaian secara faktor keuangan, sekarang ini faktor human capital menjadi sangat penting sebagai faktor-faktor penting yang memprediksikan perilaku karyawan dan kinerjanya.  organisasi dapat mencapai kinerja yang diharapkan serta memiliki keunggulan kompetitif adalah ketika orang didalamnya melakukan apa yang terbaik dari mereka, apa yang mereka senangi serta kuatnya faktor kepemilikan secara psikologis dalam melaksanakan dan memberi hasil pada pekerjaan mereka. Pemahaman karyawan terhadap hubungan pekerjaannya dengan strategi perusahaan secara umum memiliki dampak yang positif terhadap kinerja pekerjaan(job performance).
Saat ini pembahasan mengenai employee engagement dan employment branding menjadi perbincangan menarik bagi akademisi dan praktisi organisasi. Hal ini deisebabkan besarnya kekuatan employee engagement dan employment branding terhadap produktivitas dan kinerja organisasi.  Konsep employee engagement dan employment branding menjadi penting dalam mengkonsepsualiasikan dan menentukan peranan modal manusia terhadap kinerja organisasi. Konsep ini diperkenalkan oleh Gallup pada 2004 secara empirical dengan responden lebih dari 2500 bisnis, pusat kesehatan serta unit pendidikan.
Here are the review of the concept of Employee Branding & Employee engagement (based on the research from Gallup Consulting)

Employment Branding
Attracting and retaining the right employees can make a significant impact on your organization's financial performance.
Optimized organizations hire and develop engaged, talented employees -- a process that starts at the beginning of the recruitment process. Employers are fighting a war for talent that continually challenges them to rethink recruitment tactics. To be competitive in today's market and prepare for future growth, organizations must sell themselves while attracting the right candidates.
Job applicants and employees alike want to know: What are the benefits of committing to your organization? Your employment brand must connect both rationally and emotionally with candidates and current employees.
An employment brand is the way your organization's prospective applicants, candidates, and employees perceive you as an employer. Those with a strong employment brand benefit from a number of advantages:
·         a higher quality candidate pool
·         more candidates who match the role requirements, meet or exceed the expectations of the hiring manager, and relate to the organization's culture
·         increased attraction and closing of passive candidates
·         a decreased application-to-hire ratio
·         a lower rate of offer rejection
·         decreased time-to-fill and cost-per-hire ratios
·         lower turnover
·         a greater number of employee referrals
·         a greater likelihood for employees to be brand ambassadors for your company
·         higher levels of employee engagement

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